As the international situation of global crisis is sharpening in the form of Third Depression, the main challenge that our country faces  is of imperialist globalisation and communal Fascism. Still, there is a trend that strengthen within the left movement that, this is not Fascism but just 'authoritarianism' only.  In effect, with the reasoning, this section turns it's back on the fact that, though the Modi Government has 'authoritarian' tendencies to stamp it to be fascist is wrong and unscientific. They ask : "Where is Buchenwald? Where are gas chambers? How can we call this to be fascism without Buchenwald and gas chambers?" In effect the draft Political Resolution of the 22nd party congress of the CPI M bears the above said opinion.


Fascism does not come in present days as the carbon copy of the Fascism of 1930s. As the finance capital has grown much huge in comparison with its size in 1930s, so has the heaping up of it has grown. Its crisis too has become mammoth and very much complex.  The degenerative and reactionary characters of Imperialism also have increased accordingly.  So, the fascist danger that comes out of the imperialist crisis also is different from that of the old kind. Now it has reappeared in various countries consisting of neo-theocracy as its content. Similar it has reappeared in India too. If we examine it strictly, the idea of 'Hindu Rashtra' that becomes strong in India at present is not as same as in old days which was anchored upon 'Akhanda Bharat'. Instead it is anewed idea of 'Hindu Rashtra' that has acquired the characters of assassin with new fangs and claws to suck the blood of the nation and to tear it into shreds and pieces. It is the mission  to disintegrate the nation for the Imperialist interests that Communal Fascism bears in India.
The draft Political Resolution of the 22nd party congress has not been able to  grasp the imperialist crisis and the fascist danger that emanates from the imperialist crisis  by concretely  analysing the concrete conditions based on the the foundations of political economy and fundamental and guiding lessons given by the Third International or the Comintern under the Leadership of comrade Georgy Dimitrov, that had been epitomised through the historic victory over fascism.