To fight against Land Acquisition Law
To fight against Land Acquisition Law being pushed by the bourgeoisie we will have to put forth a Democratic programmatic plan to collectivize land without evicting the peasant; means, collectivize agricultural land without alienating peasantry from its ownership and utilization. Collectivization of land without evicting the peasant/ without alienating peasantry from its ownership and utilization is only possible by way of:
1) Proletarianization of the farmer ensuring him/her to do modern and better work with modern technology and higher remuneration; that means, better realization of labour within his/her own collectivized land;
2) adapt farming with value addition industries and agro based industries. Such industries must be wedded with the collectivized farms and thus create more employment to absorb surplus labour.
This will
(a) industrialize the rural India without evicting farmers; (b) transform farming on to industrial mode without bringing monopoly capital to the agricultural sector.
For this, the best form of land utilization, and eventually of land ownership, is of Producing Co-operatives of Peasants and Agricultural Labourers themselves. This mode will play a well efficient starter from within the present agrarian production system.
It also will work as a good vehicle of peasants and agricultural labourers to unitedly and forcefully advance their fight against the forced take over of land by bourgeoisie by means of Land Acquisition Law enforcement.
It was comrade V V RAGHAVAN (Kerala) who started group farming and Krishi Bhawan. This was the prefatory work for collectivized farming by farmers themselves.
This, further grew to farming co operatives at least in paddy cultivation.
If the left forces expand this cooperative farming on to other crops like spices + vegetables, medicinal plants + fruits, cooperative land utilization will expand to midland and highland in Kerala.
This will expand left base. This will metamorphose society in a pro-socialist direction. This will provide material basis to fight communalism and taking over of land by finance capital / monopoly capital.