Delhi Election Results :
Peoples’ Verdict against Globalization
and Communal Fascism
The Delhi legislative election results have served a strong and articulated peoples’ verdict in the national capital against the devastating effects of accelerated globalization policies and a wicked attempt of communal divide designed and administered by the BJP.
The Aam Admi Party (AAP) was successful in putting up clear slogans of the immediate needs of the people of Delhi such as free drinking water, affordable electric power, facilitation for education, public safety, women’s protection, housing and price control. All of these have been continuously disregarded by the Modi government who openly went in favour for monopoly capitalists, stepping up the previous Congress Government’s deeds.
This landslide victory of the AAP has many an empirical lessons for the left and secular forces to look beyond the set limitations in order to achieve sustainable Left Alternative for the nation.
New Delhi,
General Secretary.